The Agricultural Microbiology Student Association of Gadjah Mada University (PERMAHAMI UGM) is a student organization under the Agricultural Microbiology Department at UGM’s Faculty of Agriculture. Focused on expanding students’ knowledge, PERMAHAMI UGM runs the Sapa Komunitas Sosial Masyarakat program, fostering connections with external communities beyond the campus.
On 29 September 2024, the event Sapa Komunitas Sosial Masyarakat Peramahami: Make the World Better with Recycle took a place at Agro Mulya, a semi-Merapi area in Cangkringan, DIY. According to event chair Severinus Adrian Maitri (Agricultural Microbiology 2023), the program aims to build relationships with different communities while applying classroom knowledge in real-world contexts.
“This program began in 2022 with Senyum Anak Nusantara (SAN), followed by Four Key (4K) Yogyakarta in 2023. It’s a platform to exchange experiences and gain fresh insights from various local communities,” explained Vino, as he’s popularly known.
This year’s event gathered 50-60 participants, including members of PERMAHAMI’s Social Community team, Agro Mulya’s young farmers, and representatives from Sekolah Gajahwong, Bintang Kidul, Trash Hero, Daya Bumi, and Nabati. Vino expressed his excitement over the high engagement during interactive discussions, hoping the experience will benefit participants and lead to future collaborative efforts among the involved communities.
PERMAHAMI UGM’s President, Chandra Rizqullah Triananda (Agricultural Microbiology 2021) praised the Social Community team for organizing an impactful event involving multiple communities. Initially intended as a collaboration with a single group, the program expanded to include six different communities this year.
“This year’s event went beyond expectations. It was not only enjoyable but also educational, especially with hands-on lessons in organic farming from soil preparation to harvesting,” said Chandra.
Chandra envisions the Sapa Komunitas program gaining broader recognition and inspiring more community collaborations. The initiative showcases student-driven efforts aligned with SDG goals, including SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, SDG 13: Climate Action, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
Writer: Hanita Athasari Zain & Agrit Kirana Bunda
Editor: Desi Utami
Photo: PERMAHAMI UGM Documentation