Student Executive Board, Student Family of Faculty of Agriculture UGM (BEM KM Faperta UGM) has been conducting Faperta Mengajar 2023 activities from 23 September until 29 October 2023 with the theme “Farmer Service Towards a Brilliant Future for Children” to give the elementary school children in Sumberan Hamlet, Kalurahan Candibinangun, Kapanewon Pakem, Sleman Regency, an introduction to agriculture.
Muhammad Iqram as the Chief Executive of Faperta Mengajar 2023 said that one of the agricultural commodities introduced was vegetables, such as spinach. “We invite the children to plant together the spinach seeds that we have prepared. In our opinion, spinach is easier to care for and often encountered by the children. For about fisheries, we introduce several types of marine fish. We also associate with existing cartoons such as the film “Finding Nemo” to attract more attention to learn about the types of fish,” said Iqram when met in at the campus (29/9).