The Faculty of Agriculture UGM is committed to productive conservation efforts by integrating environmental management with the development of economically valuable crops such as coffee and avocados. The community service activity, titled “Pengembangan Kebun Buah Alpukat Unggul untuk Mendukung Kawasan Konservasi Produktif” (Development of Superior Avocado Orchards to Support Productive Conservation Areas), focused on avocados with the aim of not only conserving nature but also improving the welfare of local communities through productive agricultural outcomes.
As part of the 78th Anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture UGM, this community service event was held on Sunday, 8 September 2024, at Pendopo Gunung Gambar, Kalurahan Kampung, Kapanewon Ngawen, located within the conservation area of the Batur Agung Zone. The event was attended by Dr. Makruf Nurudin, S.P., M.P., as a Chair of the 78th Anniversary Committee, Dody Kastono, S.P., M.P., Coordinator of the Community Service Team for the 78th Anniversary, the Village Head of Kalurahan Kampung, the District Head of Kapanewon Ngawen, members of the Tunas Muda Mandiri Farmers Group, representatives from the Pringombo Farmers Group, and members of the Sriten Farmers Group.
This year, the area previously planted with coffee has been expanded to include superior avocado varieties. It is hoped that these plants will soon reach their productive phase and bring positive economic impacts to the Gunung Gambar community.
“The avocados being developed in the Gunung Gambar area consist of two superior varieties: Miki and Pluwang. The miki variety is known for its excellent adaptability at various altitudes and high productivity, while the pluwang variety is a jumbo avocado, with fruit weighing over 1.5 kilograms. Both varieties produce premium-quality fruit and command good prices, so we expect them to improve the community’s welfare,” explained Dody.
This program is a tangible example of implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which includes community service. The Faculty of Agriculture UGM is committed to providing ongoing support and guidance in the Gunung Gambar area to ensure the program’s benefits are felt by the community, both economically and environmentally. Through this partnership, the hope is that the community will actively participate in environmental conservation and the enhancement of agricultural productivity through the cultivation of superior crops.
“Active community involvement is crucial for ensuring the benefits of what we have developed are truly felt. The goal is to boost the community’s economy, as the essence of agricultural community service is to increase production and productivity. With these efforts, we are confident that this goal can be achieved,” said Makruf.
This community service activity reflects the Faculty of Agriculture UGM’s awareness and commitment to achieving global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, SDG 15: Life on Land, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
Author: Alkhansa Khairunnisa
Editor: Hanita Athasari Zain
Photos: Media Faperta UGM