Bachelor of Agricultural Extension and Communication Program (PKP) at the Faculty of Agriculture UGM provides a platform for students to learn social sciences within the agricultural sector. As part of the Organizational Communication course, the PKP program held a guest lecture on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, inviting an expert in the field to discuss community empowerment practices based on environmental sustainability.
Muhammad Rum, Head of the External Partnership Division at PT Tuah Turangga Agung, shared his experiences working at PT Tuah Turangga Agung (Turangga Sources), a company focused on managing coal mining assets. As someone responsible for the company’s external partnerships, Rum emphasized the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication as a key part of structured organizational practices.
“In any organization, including companies, it’s crucial to focus on CSR communication. CSR communication aims to build reputation and trust among consumers and serves as a dialogue platform with the community and various stakeholders involved,” Rum explained to the 69 students attending the lecture.
In light of challenges such as climate change, carbon emissions, renewable energy initiatives, and water resource scarcity, Rum focused on the significance of external communication through CSR that prioritizes environmental sustainability and aligns with the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr. Dyah Woro Untari, S.P., M.P., Chair of the Agricultural Extension and Communication Study Program at UGM, expressed hope that students would take advantage of the guest lecture as a valuable source of knowledge for their future endeavors. This initiative also aligns with the Faculty of Agriculture UGM’s commitment to supporting the achievement of SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 13: Climate Action, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
Author: Hanita Athasari Zain
Editor: Desi Utami
Photos: Prodi PKP UGM