The Faculty of Agriculture UGM is committed to productive conservation efforts by integrating environmental management with the development of economically valuable crops such as coffee and avocados. The community service activity, titled “Pengembangan Kebun Buah Alpukat Unggul untuk Mendukung Kawasan Konservasi Produktif” (Development of Superior Avocado Orchards to Support Productive Conservation Areas), focused on avocados with the aim of not only conserving nature but also improving the welfare of local communities through productive agricultural outcomes.
The Department of Fisheries at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), hosted the “Kenal Perikanan” event to provide students with a deeper understanding of the fisheries sector. The event took place over two days, from 6-7 September 2024, in Cirebon, West Java. This year, 212 students, 30 faculty members, 12 educational staff, and 6 companions from the Aquaculture, Aquatic Resource Management, and Fisheries Product Technology study programs participated in the Kenal Perikanan 2024 event.During the event, students had the opportunity to visit several fisheries-related institutions, including the Tegalsari Fishery Port (PPP) in Tegal, the Kejawanan Cirebon National Fishery Port (PPN), PT Sambu Perkasa Mandiri, PT Pan Putera Samudra, PT Perdana Investama Mina, and the Kersa Mulya Bakti Fishery Group.
As part of the 78th Anniversary celebrations of the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faperta UGM), the National Seminar on Agricultural Research Results XIV was held on Saturday, 21 September 2024, at the Prof. Harjono Danoesastro Auditorium. Aligning with the anniversary theme, “Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Lahan dan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim untuk Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Pangan” (Optimizing Land Use and Climate Change Adaptation for Achieving Food Sovereignty), Semnashas XIV invited three key speakers who are experts in their fields, attracting over 200 participants.