As part of the 78th Anniversary celebrations of the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faperta UGM), the National Seminar on Agricultural Research Results XIV was held on Saturday, 21 September 2024, at the Prof. Harjono Danoesastro Auditorium. Aligning with the anniversary theme, “Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Lahan dan Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim untuk Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Pangan” (Optimizing Land Use and Climate Change Adaptation for Achieving Food Sovereignty), Semnashas XIV invited three key speakers who are experts in their fields, attracting over 200 participants.
SDG 1: No Poverty
The Department of Agronomy at Universitas Gadjah Mada successfully held the Buper Practice event on Friday, 30 August 2024, with the topic “Artisan Tea: Functional Beverage for Wellness.” This event was a continuation of the Buper Talk #11 webinar and was attended in person by the faculty’s staff.
The event, held with great enthusiasm, provided participants with in-depth knowledge about the benefits of artisan tea as a functional drink for health. Ir. Iriana Ekasari Muadz, M.M., founder of the Indonesian Artisan Tea
Elia Laila Rizqiyah, a postgraduate from the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Faperta UGM), achieved the distinction of being the youngest postgraduate graduate across UGM during the Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony for Period I of the 2024/2025 academic year, held on Thursday, 24 October 2024. Elia, who pursued the Fast Track program in the Soil Science for her Undergraduate and Master’s Programs, completed her Master’s degree at the remarkable age of 22 years and 6 months.