For more than 10 years, Faculty of Agriculture UGM has been conducting partnerships with Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in various fields of research involving their students, especially postgraduate students, both Master and Doctoral degrees. One of the involved students was Yenny Sariasih, a doctoral student in Agricultural Sciences focusing on Phytopathology. She was involved in a research project on Huanglongbing disease control in citrus plants with Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Subandiyah, M.Agr.Sc., as the UGM Project Leader and main Promotor for Yenny.
The partnerships between Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Japanese universities over the years have escalated favorable opportunities for UGM’s academic community to explore advanced learning environment through student and staff mobilities.
To expand international collaboration across a range of sectors, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Jaka Widada, Ph.D; Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (Dr. Dyah Weny Respatie) and Faculty member (Prof. Aziz Purwantoro) along with Rector of UGM, Prof. Ova Emilia, and other faculty management leaders (Faculty of Animal Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing) visited three universities in Japan, Ibaraki University, Waseda University and The University of Tokyo on 20-23 April 2024. The visitation was started by a meeting with Indonesian education and culture attaché in Tokyo, Prof. Amzul Rifin.
A shocking fact shows that invasive insect pests can cost the world up to 10 billion USD in agriculture sector, every year. It becomes the first challenge emerged by climate change, which caused a poleward shift in distribution of insects. The second challenge is demography and metabolism of insects.
This was delivered by Buyung A.R. Hadi, Ph.D., an entomologist who has worked along with 100.000 farmers from 60 countries, affiliated with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in a general lecture held on 27 November 2023 at Faculty of Agriculture UGM.